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#BlogTour #Review – Camp Death by Jim Ody – @Jim-Ody-Author

Good morning all,

I hope you’re all well? Today on my blog I have a review for Camp Death by Jim Ody. It’s certainly been a while since I have read a horror, but I did thoroughly enjoy it.

Stay safe


Camp Death by Jim Ody

The place had a gruesome past that nobody wanted to talk about…

Camp Death is now a great place to spend the summer. Ritchie soon finds a group of outsiders like himself. Teenagers who ignore the organised activities, and bunk off in the old abandoned cabins deep in the woods. The cabins that have a history.

The campfire monster stories were meant to just scare them. Nobody expected them to come true. Then one of
the teenagers disappears in the middle of the night.

Something is watching them. It hides in the woods and hunts at night.

Ritchie will have to uncover the secrets of the camp and understand his own problems in order to survive.

Camp Death is Book 1 in a new series brought to you by Question Mark Horror. For fans of Point Horror, Christopher Pike & Nicholas Pine.

Pre Order Links : 

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Jim Ody’s Author Bio

Jim writes dark psychological/thrillers, Horror and YA books that have endings you won’t see coming, and favours stories packed with wit. He has written over a dozen novels and many more short-stories spanning many genres.

Jim has a very strange sense of humour and is often considered a little odd.  When not writing he will be found playing the drums, watching football and eating chocolate. He lives with his long-suffering wife, three beautiful children and two indignant cats in Swindon, Wiltshire UK.

Jim’s Social Media and Purchase Links




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I genuinely cannot remember the last time I read a book in the horror genre, it was that many years ago. But reading Camp Death has given me a renewed love of the genre and I have started rebuilding a collection.

There was death, blood and a lot of mystery to this book that I really liked. I mean, who doesn’t expect gore in a horror? It would be madness not to have it. Madness I tell you!

Richie appears to be your normal hormone fuelled teenage boy. But soon discovers that all is not what it seems, I’m not going to give away any spoilers but he ends up with a mission. I was not a fan of the other teenage boys though, they were cruel and nasty, apart from Jason of course, he had it rough. The girls were also your typical teenage girls, one was ‘popular’ the other a bit of an outcast trying to fit in and then there was Richie’s sister. She has some unknown issues that we don’t seem to find out until the end.

Well written and keeps you reading, I was hooked from the start and it didn’t take me long to get to the end. Would I recommend it? Yes I would, especially if you’re after a quick horror fix that’s fast paced and you love a twist

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