Adult Romance, Blog Tour, Book Review, Fiction, Ghost Story, Horror, Literature, Mixed Genres, Promo, Psychological, Spotlight, Supernatural, Suspense, Trigger Warnings

#BlogTour #Review – The Farmhouse by L. B. Stimson – @stimsoninks @zooloo2008 #TheFarmhouse

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Thank you for coming to view my review on The Farmhouse by L. B. Stimson

I hope you enjoy


The Farmhouse by L. B. Stimson

The house, for all of its solitude, seemed incredibly noisy

The Farmhouse, having stood against time and history for nearly 160 years in the Virginia countryside, was forgotten and abandoned until Kyle and Jenny Dowling moved in during the summer of 1972.

The Dowlings, married just a year, were struggling to repair their broken marriage. It was to be the perfect place, away from it all, to heal their relationship. Jenny would write and Kyle would tend to minor renovations. The rent was cheap.

The realtor warned them, however, against staying beyond the final days of fall.

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Author Bio

L.B. grew up in a one stop-light town in central Idaho. After earning a Bachelor of Art’s degree in cultural anthropology from California State University-Chico, she uprooted herself to begin a new life in Washington, D.C., where she began a varied career in professional communications in private business and education.

“I’ve always had a passion for photography, travel, writing, and history. I am thrilled to now be creating works of fiction that allow me to share these passions with others. One of my favorite parts of the writing process is the historical research required to bring authenticity to my characters’ lives.”

This is her fifth book and the second in her standalone series: Tales from the Parlor Room–a collection of gothic and ghostly tales. She currently resides in Virginia where she enjoys cemetery walks, visiting abandoned and haunted places and working on more ghostly tales.

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The blurb to this book intrigued me as it really gave nothing away, is it a horror? Is it a ghost story? Maybe a bit of possession? Is it a love story? What is it? I found myself needing to know. So I signed up for the blog tour.

After a bit of turmoil in their relationship Kyle and Jenny moved to the country, obviously I don’t want to give too much away as I think you need to read this one. They’re a couple that are ‘trying’ to rebuild their relationship and trust after it is destroyed. It seemed to take a while to rebuild. Jenny didn’t seem to be herself on a couple of occasions and didn’t realise what she was doing.

There was one thing that irked me with Jenny, before the pregnancy she seemed to take a whole load of naps. I’m not sure why it irked me, but it did. Kyle would try hard to rebuild their relationship, but Jenny didn’t seem to be that bothered about it.

Would I recommend it? Yes, I would as it was a fantastic little read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Am I going to tell you what sort of book it was, no I’m not 😉

If you would like to read more about this book and if there are more spoilers that I’ve not divulged, then please head on over to the other fantastic blogs mentioned above.

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